10 Resolutions for the New Year

At this point, I think that resolving to get out of bed by noon is an excellent resolution going into 2021. After all, we created a fair number of new habits and routines in 2020 to cope with pandemic life so maybe dedicating 2021 to renewing our zeal for life is warranted. I have made a list of my top ten resolutions that typically return to my resolution list every year because they help me grow in every area of my life.
1 // Learn something new once per day. Whether you are using a word-a-day calendar or sign up for a daily newsletter that features your favorite subject, you can learn something new and worthy every single day that will help you become a more well-rounded person.
2 // Move your body. Exercise has always been a stressful topic for me. I love some forms of exercise but at the end of the day, I would rather be doing something else. So, my solution is to just move my body. Some days it is just one jumping jack but movement begets movement and so I typically find that I want to move more the more I move.
3 // Connect with someone. This hits harder in a pandemic when we are all starved for social and physical interaction. Every single day, whether it is by text or email, reach out to someone. And, no, work emails do not count.
4 // Give to something. It can be money, time, energy, or a skill only you possess, but whatever it is give just a little away. Giving and volunteering changes the way we perceive ourselves, others, and our communities. It helps us learn the names of the people building the value in our locales and helps us to become part of the fabric of our community.
5 // Find your roots. There is so much to be gained by digging into your history or your family’s history to find what has gone before you to make you who you are. I guarantee you that at the end of the year, you will have started doing things that add weight to your purpose.
6 // Attend a yearly mental health check. In my opinion, we should all have a yearly mental health check-in with a counselor so that we can be sure we are on top of everything that is going on in our lives. Find a counselor that you love and make your appointment. If you have kiddos or a significant other, or even a long-term roommate, take them with you for half of your appointment. It pays to have emotional investment where we live and love.
7 // Join a book club. Or a sewing club. Or a Netflix and Zoom club. Whatever you are into, find a group of people who will join you in nourishing that passion. It is so refreshing to have someone to text or gush to when you have accomplished something that you are proud of. It is also so fun to be able to be understood in your niche’s language!
8 // Feel your feelings. Buy a journal. Buy a journal. Buy a journal. After you have bought this journal, use it every single day to write down how the day went and replay the events of the day using the written word. This will help you process your feelings and learn how to wade through difficult things rather than finding ways to distract yourself from everything.
9 // Do the worrisome thing. What is the one thing that you have wanted to buy or do that you were nervous to do? There is nothing like a year of pandemic life to convince you that your life is worth living right now, no matter what is going on. Remember that thing and then live it.
10 // Learn to rest. I am not talking about self-care where you face mask until your skin looks like a juicy peach, although that is not a bad habit. I am talking about figuring out what nourishes and calms your soul so that you feel the wonderful balance of your physical body with your emotional ebbs and flows. It is a miraculous thing to be able to find true balance when you need it.
Try this: If you feel stressed about making resolutions, do not make any. Wait until February or March and try to do something worthwhile then. Resolutions are not a requirement to move into the new year.
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