5 Best Self Care tips for men
As I was putting on my new coffee face mask from Lush, I started realizing how amazing it felt when I scrubbed it off and my skin was so smooth. I then began to think about how taking care of my skin made me feel good about myself and is important for my self-care routine. I started thinking how my significant other never washes his face with real face wash or does any face masks at all. Then I started thinking about how men need some ideas for selfcare/mental health tips as well. I forgot that during this pandemic some dads have to play a bigger role in the home than they are used to and it must be overwhelming for them at times too.
Here are some tips for the men in our lives to help cope with this pandemic but also to start incorporating regularly:
- Sweat out the stress! I have noticed that a lot of men lack proper coping skills with stress and turn to drinking or just emotionally shutting down. I think going for a run, walk, gym session, or even a swim is a good and healthy way to destress. Not to mention, moving around
- Stretch! I notice that in the morning I wake up and move around my neck/arms. Even throughout the day I will stop for five minutes at a time and do some Cat Stretches or Cobras for my back and neck. However, I don’t see my spouse doing stretches ever. I feel like he often complains about being tight around his neck or his shoulder area. So, take a few minutes a couple times a day and move around. Stretch your arms and your legs, touch your toes every now and then. Remember, taking care of your body is essential and prevents burnout.
- Take a bath. When was the last time you saw a man take a bath? I never do. I took bathes often when pregnant, but since then haven’t had much time. Men need to pamper themselves and get relaxed too. A warm bath can help loosen muscles.
- Get a massage. For some reason; a lot of men are uncomfortable getting massages. I think because it requires complete relaxation under someone else’s presence. But a massage is so good for the body as it helps release toxins and get out all the kinks that we are unable to do during a stretch.
- Turn off phone and limit screen time. I personally catch myself on my social media way too much. I check my Instagram, put my phone down, and pick it right back up and find myself opening the app again. When I catch myself doing this, I put the phone down and turn off for a while. However, it is proven that if you cut off screen time 2 hours before bed you get a better goodnight sleep. I know this might be difficult to do, but you can start off with cutting off devices in 30-minute increments and build your way up. There’s no harm in trying it out and establishing a new bedtime routine for the new year!
This week try a new hobby like hiking, biking, painting, or dance.
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