True Crime Podcasts we love
- My Favorite Murder
The best of both worlds. They have hour segments that go over 2 different murders. I like this podcast because they have a huge variety of stories. Some are scary stories, some are murders that were solved, and some weren’t. They also have a mini show that they do that covers stories that people write in. These girls are hilarious and throw little ad-libs that keep the show interesting. Not to mention, they also do live shows so they record those for us to listen to as well. If you prefer to listen to a thirty- minute segment you can or if you are on a road trip and can listen to the longer one than they have that option for you as well.
- True Crime Garage
This is a podcast I have been following for a while. They have hundreds of episodes, they are funny and they give you so much background information. These two guys do not rush it, they give you all the evidence and they are unbiased. I get lost in it while working. The episodes typically take about an hour and the always drop new ones weekly.
- Dr. Death
This podcast is a little different. If you already have fears about going to the Doctor than this may be on you want to skip. But if not, this has plenty of gruesome descriptions to freak you out a bit. In summary, it’s a story of a Doctor who was performing things on patients that he had no business doing. Almost like a Frakenstein project. They only have 2 seasons so you may want to pace yourself when listening.
- Crime Junkie
I have noticed that this covers a lot of similar cases as True crime podcasts, but these ladies have a different point of view on the cases and they analyze it a bit differently. I also feel like this podcast moves quicker than the True Crime Garage so if you tend to zone out in the long ones you may want to try this one out.
- I survivor
In case the title isn’t obvious, this one is not about people who died but who ALMOST died. But what makes this so awesome is they barely made it out of their situation alive. It’s true stories, told by real people. Always a good listen, and the stories are normally quick just in case you are in between a break or have a short commute.
This week try a new Brunch Spot from our Top Austin Brunch List.
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